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Curiosità, ricette e Consigli

Lo zafferanoLo zafferano

        Conosciutissimo per dare il tipico colore al risotto alla milanese, lo zafferano è una spezia molto apprezzata che si ricava dagli stigmi di un fiore della varietà Crocus Sativus.
Questa gustosa spezia si ottiene dal fiore di una piantina  [ ... ]

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Pizze & co

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Pizza: Ortolana
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Prezzo: 5.50 Euro 
Tempo Di Attesa: 30  [ ... ]

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Pre [ ... ]

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Vedi Oggi
UpComing this month

Il Festino - SYSTEM OF SURVIVAL - 25 DICEMBRE 2015 #dovesivaquestasera



Venerdi', 25 Dicembre 2015     

pubblicato da Fabio

Hits : 125




#dovesivaquestasera #eventi

#Pub, Disco Pub, Irish Pub

► Il Festino 008 X-MAS
Music Season 2015/16:


♫ "Consolle":

special guest superstar djs:
► System Of Survival
Dedicated purveyors of all that is good in house music, System of Survival are Pietro 'Bingo' De Lisi and Alex Carpentieri, and have been resident DJs at that bastion of underground Ibiza, Circo Loco, since the party first began over decade ago. Living, playing, producing and releasing material together since '89 in Italy, they were amongst the first DJs brought by promoters Antonio & Andrea, to reside in Ibiza at DC10, and have since mastered the main room, terrace and car park with equal ease. Their ability to carry a crowd, blend seamlessly between styles and fill in the gaps around the countless guests that they have supported is true testament to the role of a resident, and has led to them flying the Circo Loco flag throughout the years and across the globe. Apart from touring with the DC10 crew, Bingo and Alex have been steadily riding a wave of popularity, gaining momentum through their own headlining dates at the likes of Panorama Bar & Watergate, Berlin: Movement Detroit Festival, BPM Festival in Mexico, Culprit Session at Standard Los Angeles or Fabric London. A commitment to style beyond fashion and a propensity to mix the old with the new, has brought them unwittingly to the forefront of the current trends in sound, making them as popular with other DJs as they are with their fans. Explains Alex, "Our sets have never really fit to one particular style or type, Bingo has a soul and funk background whereas mine is more Detroit or Chicago techno-inspired so when we play it's a real blend of the different styles, making something different completely, something new." True aficionados, the boys, between them, boast a remarkable knowledge and back catalogue of music, across styles and genres, and nowhere is this more evident than in their productions. Their first longplayer album is a both a reflection on their future vision of house, and a tribute to the sounds that have inspired them to this point. After a chance listening by Ellen Alien, it has been signed and released on Bpitch.
Originally set up as a home for bringing on new talent that they met along their way, both of System of Survival's labels, I71 and the digital-only imprint Fventi have been steadily releasing productions from fresh up and coming producers such as Andrew Grant, Cirillo, DOS, Autre and Nasty Boy for the last few years.
System's own productions have found homes with Bpitch Control, Get Physical, Irecords, Rebirth, and Vitalik to name a few, as well as being picked up for compilations such as Moon Harbour's Circoloco Anniversary CD or both LocoDice and Marco Carola's TimeWarp Series.

► Main Leaf

♫ "Talent" h 22:00:
► SouthFisix
► Jujet aka Giorgio CAME

►IlFestino Official Voice EA 


Prezzi Drinks:
Tutti i drinks sono preparati con distillati e bibite di primissima qualità da personale esperto.

TALENT (Fino alle 00:00)
- Shots/Cicchetti da 2,00 €
- Cocktails Alc. 4.00 €
- Birre da 2,00 €
(Gli sconti applicati durante il TALENT saranno estesi a tutta la notte per universitari muniti di tessera)

IL FESTINO (dopo le 00:00)
- Shots/Cicchetti da 2,50 €
- Cocktails Alc. 5.00 €
- Birre da 2,50 €
- Bott. Spumante 16,00 €
- Bott Superalcolici da 50,00 €
- Bott Champagne da 50,00 €

Disponibile servizio guardaroba (€ 1,00)

Smoking Area Interna ed Esterna

Info Tavoli / Privè (Prenotazione Gratuita)
✆ +39 389 039 0472

♫ Sound System by "Concert Music"
♫ Video Mapping su superf. 2D e 3D

► Parcheggi nelle vicinanze:
Piazza Risorgimento
Terminal Bus Extraurbani




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  • Qualcuno può indicarmi un brew pub che serva birre interessanti? Possibilmente in provincia di Benevento o almeno in Campania. Edited by Albert - 20.09.2018 20:48

  • Ciao, ho appena visto che c'è un forum.. sono Dixin e seguo il sito già da un bel po'..

  • Ciao amici, mi chiamo "Dovesivaquestasera", su questo sito troverete tutti, o quasi, gli eventi organizzati dai locali e pro loco della Campania (in particolare nelle province di AV, BN e CE) e i principali eventi in Italia. Vi invito a utilizzare il Forum per scambiare pareri e opinioni sul sito e sugli eventi a cui avete partecipato o chiedere informazioni sugli eventi a cui vorreste partecipare. Alla prossima!