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Curiosità, ricette e Consigli

Alberelli con crema al mascarponeAlberelli con crema al mascarpone

  Potevamo lasciarvi senza una ricetta per Natale? Assolutamente No! Mariacarmela con i suoi Alberelli con Crema al Mascarpone farà felice tutti, adulti e piccini. 
E magari potreste sgranocchiarli mentre leggete lo Speciale agli Eventi Natalizi 2018/ [ ... ]

Lasagne al profumo di timo con salsiccia e besciamella di zuccaLasagne al profumo di timo con salsiccia e besciamella di zucca

Ingredienti per 6 persone 400 gr di farina 00   4 uova intere  Sale q.b. 500 ml di latte intero 70 gr d burro 50 gr di farina 00 300 gr di zucca 600 gr di salsiccia 250 gr di mozzarella Olio  6 cucchiai Timo 1 cimetta Vino bianco mezzo bi [ ... ]


Tipico dolce di ogni evento Natalizio nelle maggior parte delle regioni italiane, amato da grandi e bambini in tutte le versioni: al cioccolato fondente, al latte, bianco o in combinazione tra loro.
 1 Kg di farina,
 300 g di zucchero,
 300 g  [ ... ]

Pizze & co

Montesarchio (Bn) - Pizzeria Basilico - BoscaiolaMontesarchio (Bn) - Pizzeria Basilico - Boscaiola

Montesarchio (Bn): Pizzeria Basilico
Pizza: Boscaiola
Ingredienti: Mozzarella, Pomodoro, Funghi
Prezzo: 3.50 Euro
Tempo Di Attesa: 3 [ ... ]

Telese Terme (Bn) - Rosso Vita Pizza - SupremaTelese Terme (Bn) - Rosso Vita Pizza - Suprema

Telese Terme (Bn): Rosso Vita Pizza: Suprema
Ingredienti: Mozzarella di Bufala Dop, Mortadella, Burrata Pugliese, Granella di Pi [ ... ]

Benevento (Bn) - Mister Pizza (Via Calandra) - Pizza Provola SalsicciaBenevento (Bn) - Mister Pizza (Via Calandra) - Pizza Provola Sal...

Ingredienti: Provola, Salsiccia
Prezzo: 4.50 Euro
Tempo Di Attesa: 30 Minuti (Volume Persone Basso)
Contatti: https://www.facebo [ ... ]

Vedi Oggi
UpComing this month

Il Fstno venerdì 31 Marzo 2k17 /// Geff + Aquadro /// #dovesivaquestasera



Martedi', 28 Marzo 2017     

pubblicato da Fabio

Hits : 339




#dovesivaquestasera #eventi

#Musica e Spettacoli

Underground Music Experience
Music Season 2016/17:


♫ "Consolle":

[Beat Frequency rec / Il Festino] 
Bpm to perfection .... Graziano Forgione Aka Geff soon established himself as one of the protagonists of the new generation of DJs. A DJ who defines himself through the music he plays.
Both productions that his sets are mostly techno-influenced underground house, the unique mix of sounds clever and futuristic harmonies mixed with hard and deep grooves.
His musical inspirations derive from a source funk - house - techno put together help to create a sound and a unique style that Mr. Geff has gradually developed over the last few years.
In 2010 a net label called Beat Frequency Records where he produced numerous international artists.
In 2011 he founded a one night in his hometown Benevento, called FSTNO, every Wednesday evening of his creation, which has become the most popular underground night in Campania.
... and attended many national and international clubs.
Still he continued to churn out many productions and promoting many artists.

[Revelation Records / Groped]
The project AquAdro, was born in Benevento (Italy), since January 2007. The duo is formed by Andrea Del Grosso and Antonio Castaldi, in fact the first letter of their respective first names makes the acronym AquAdro. Music fans from childhood, they gets well soon note of special thanks dj set ranging in genre Progressive House. Participants suffered from a large evening events and top of their city and province, immediately receiving a very good result from the public on the track, thanks to their ability to know how to drag. Their career was influenced by the great progressive era 2000 and by big artists like Hernan Cattaneo, Deep Dish, Satoshi Tomiie, Moshic etc…Their constant music research never ends their music choice is the sum of personal good taste in the music world. In 2009 begins their work of producers, immediately recognized their talent, are approached by many labels indeed now they are working on many other production and remixes for some like Mistique, Sudam, Bonzai, Old Sql, Stellar Fountain and more hoping to play their music in many other clubs all the world and have fun. Meantime you can listen their finesse progressive in many guest set and especially in our show “UTOPIA” on Progressive.Beats Radio. AquAdro also in 2013 start a record label “Revelation Records”, try to propose ever a quality sound in collaboration also with many other artists.





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  • Qualcuno può indicarmi un brew pub che serva birre interessanti? Possibilmente in provincia di Benevento o almeno in Campania. Edited by Albert - 20.09.2018 20:48

  • Ciao, ho appena visto che c'è un forum.. sono Dixin e seguo il sito già da un bel po'..

  • Ciao amici, mi chiamo "Dovesivaquestasera", su questo sito troverete tutti, o quasi, gli eventi organizzati dai locali e pro loco della Campania (in particolare nelle province di AV, BN e CE) e i principali eventi in Italia. Vi invito a utilizzare il Forum per scambiare pareri e opinioni sul sito e sugli eventi a cui avete partecipato o chiedere informazioni sugli eventi a cui vorreste partecipare. Alla prossima!