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The Over the Edge / IN CONCERT / Release A Deep Breath" (Official Video)" #dovesivaquestasera



Sabato, 31 Gennaio 2015     

pubblicato da Utente FB

Hits : 94


The Over the Edge / IN CONCERT / Release A Deep Breath


#dovesivaquestasera #eventi

#Musica e Spettacoli

The Over the Edge IN CONCERT presents: "A Deep Breath" (New Official Video) from "Held Breth" - album 2013 - (recorded in U.S.A.) RELEASE VIDEO & CONCERT AT "MUSIC HALL" (CE) - START: 21:30 Via Vivaldi, 81100 Caserta INGRESSO: 5.00euro (consumazione INCLUSA) *.. Alle prime 100 persone che entreranno la sera del 31 gennaio al music hall per il concerto e release video dei The Over the Edge, verrà dato un bigliettino con numero annesso, per poter partecipare all estrazione a fine serata dei premi messi in palio dalla band: 1° premio: T-shirt "The Over the Edge" + "Held Breath" CD 2° premio: Pins (coppia di spille B&N) + "Held Breath" CD 3° premio: "Held Breath" CD ------------------------------------------------------------------------ "HEDL BREATH "Album Release Date: 2013 Tracks: 11 Producer: Jason Rubal, Seventh Wave Studio, USA Label: Hot Steel Records A journey, an unforgettable experience, a humble but ambitious dream ... the first official album of the band, produced by Jason Rubal in his "Seventh Wave Studio" in Harrisburg, PA - USA. Strong music, kaleidoscopic, in which flowing energy, with vocal tones "corrosive", but also with the solemnity of an increasing rhythm. The sound goes between these coordinates but never loses force or personality thanks to a solid writing, able to join vocal experimentation and musical, leaving the ear of listener a'' flavor'' of continuous innovation. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Over the Edge * Jennifer Valentine Blossom found "The Over the Edge" in Caserta, in 2007, with a initial drummer and bass-player, which about seven months later, gave way first to Tory Liar (drums) and one year after to Fabe Xmass (bass). - Demo: "Over the Edge" (2008). - Official Line-Up (2010) *Vinz Baratta joined as lead guitarist and with him the band's sound has become completed and defined. . Jennifer Valentine Blossom (vocalguitar) . Vinz Baratta (lead-guitar) . Fabe Xmass (bass) . Tory Liar (drums) -Ep: "SMELLY RAG" (7 tracks - Released in 2010) *Distributed in digital by "PIRAMES" (Digital Distribution Agency based in Milan,Italy), The EP, containing 7 tracks plus an instrumental "ghost-track", in a few months obteined a great number of consensus, mainly thanks to the self-promotion made by the band, in many italian places, with a series of live sessions. - Album (self-produced): "ALL THE SOLUTIONS" (10 tracks). *Officially released on March 31, 2011. In August 2011, "All the Solutions" captures the attention of Jason Rubal, an internationally acclaimed record producer, who offered the band to produce their new album at the "Seventh Wave Dischi Soviet Studio o" in Harrisburg PA. - Official Album (produced by Jason Rubal - "Seventh Wave Studio", US): "HELD BREATH" (11 tracks) *Release Party in extra-preview at HMAC (Harrisburg Midtown Art Center - PA,US) in March 2012. - On November 10 2012, the band announced an agreement with the Italian label *"Hot Steel Records", for the release of "Held Breath". Their first official album is available digitally from December 1, 2012, while the physical output from January 25, 2013. - Official Release Party of "HELD BREATH" Album in January, 26 2013. - Signed with "ENERGY ZOMBIE MANAGEMENT"(France) in June 2013 (until December 2014). -The 4th track of Held Breath, " Full of Emptiness" , has been released as first official video on October 4th 2013. - Terminated contract with "HOT STEEL RECORDS" in December 1th 2013. -- The year 2014 begins with of collaboration with the Association of LIVE AID. - Open the show to Gogol Bordello at the festival of the "Meeting del mare" (2014 edition).




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  • Qualcuno può indicarmi un brew pub che serva birre interessanti? Possibilmente in provincia di Benevento o almeno in Campania. Edited by Albert - 20.09.2018 20:48

  • Ciao, ho appena visto che c'è un forum.. sono Dixin e seguo il sito già da un bel po'..

  • Ciao amici, mi chiamo "Dovesivaquestasera", su questo sito troverete tutti, o quasi, gli eventi organizzati dai locali e pro loco della Campania (in particolare nelle province di AV, BN e CE) e i principali eventi in Italia. Vi invito a utilizzare il Forum per scambiare pareri e opinioni sul sito e sugli eventi a cui avete partecipato o chiedere informazioni sugli eventi a cui vorreste partecipare. Alla prossima!